Image-based Research I 2018 – present

Image-based and participatory action research interventions for knowledge co-creation.

Research communication for social, medical, and natural sciences. From strategy to deliverables: graphic design, photography and film.


2023-2026. Research Communication Project Grant to Vibrioscope: Building communication capacity to counteract vibriosis. Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, FORMAS. Co-applicant.

2020. Research and Innovation Grant in Visual Arts to Photo-Action Benzos: Where do you store them? Culture Ministry, Catalan Government. Main applicant.

2016. Scholarship at Lens School of Visual Arts, Madrid / Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, Valladolid, Master in Development of Photography Projects.

Exhibitions / Screenings

2020. We Watch, We Think. Official selection Better Cities Film Festival, Detroit.

2020. We Watch, We Think. Screening premiere World Urban Forum 10 - UnHabitat, Abu Dhabi.

2019. Performing Art for/by Youth, Photo/Film. Participatory performance. Folkets Husby, Stockholm.

2017. Benzos. Photography exhibition. The Showroom, Madrid.


2021.#ArtsAgainsCovid Awards, Special Mention to the best project developed in the public domain to Photo-Action Benzos: Where do you store them? Arts in Health International Foundation.

2017. IPA Awards, Spain Edition, Award in Deeper Perspective to Benzos. Lucie Foundation.

Photography I 2005 – present

Photographic commissions and photo editor: portrait, editorial, product, fashion, architecture and art documentation.

Graphic Design I 1994 – 2009

Visual identity for private and public organizations. Editorial design. Branding and communication for retail brands, email marketing and social media. Packaging for food and winery industries.